The following post has been designed as a user-friendly interface, creating a digital compilation of a conference held at the University of Melbourne in February 2013: The Power of Luxury - Art and Culture at the Italian Courts in Machiavelli’s Lifetime.
The Australian Institute of Art History (AIAH) posted videos of many of the conference presentations online, although there was little promotion of this content outside of academic circles. By creating this access point, readers can access all content relevant to each individual presentation - including abstracts, presentation videos and livetweets (when available). As first trialled during my coverage of the Prado Late Raphael Symposium (link), livetweets have been included to capture some of the audience reaction to the talks as they were presented. In this instance, livetweets were provided by conference attendees, including myself, with realtime interaction observed with twitter followers from Australia, the US and UK. The combined stream of tweets can be seen at the Storify link in sources (listed below).
This new format also creates an opportunity for readers/viewers to discuss individual talks in a moderated environment - a feature presently not available on the AIAH website or its YouTube page.
This new format also creates an opportunity for readers/viewers to discuss individual talks in a moderated environment - a feature presently not available on the AIAH website or its YouTube page.
There is something for everyone in the wonderful presentations listed below, with talks on art, literature, music, military history, fashion and cultural tourism. Use the visual links below to navigate, and enjoy the content, courtesy of the AIAH and its sponsors.
I would be interested to hear what readers think about this type of presentation format and whether they would like to see more conferences presented in this manner.
I would be interested to hear what readers think about this type of presentation format and whether they would like to see more conferences presented in this manner.
Australian Institute of Art History website link
Storify tweetstream of conference coverage. Compiled by Hasan Niyazi link
Image: Massacre of the Innocents (detail). Workshop of Pieter Coecke van Aelst. Via wikimedia commons link
Looks good, I missed the conference so this is useful. The layout seems very use friendly.
Dear H
Wonderful job! I think this would be a great format for a conference website that ensures the post-conference diffusion of content. The videos are excellent quality and I would think the organizers must be thrilled to have you host the material that reaches more people in this way.
How did you do it? is that a photo gallery or other type of plugin? Unfortunate about the pre-dating of the posts to february - i guess in order to not have them all appear in your home page now. You can probably get around this by creating a category that is invisible to the home page and present only in menu navigation.
Thanks for your extraordinary effort and tech skill in bringing this conference to our attention. It's a great advance to be able to virtually hear these presentations, and to have a single archive rather than searching through You Tube.
I hope you will also consider running some of the presentations singly on your site so comments can be made. It would seem fruitless to comment on YouTube. I listened to the Jaynie Anderson talk with great interest and would like to comment.
Also, where is the massacre tapestry from?
Cheers for the comments!
@Katya - user friendliness was the primary aim here - I am pleased this has been realised to some degree!
@AMK - it is a quirk of the of google's CMS that required backdating to avoid frontpage flooding. The other option was to create standalone pages, but this robbed me of the ability to create custom URLS and index according to time. I have added a note to every post to clarify this indexing decision.
@Frank - clicking each entry will give you exactly this - launch a full entry on a new page within 3PP - where you may leave a comment as per normal.
For the massacre image, clicking the link listed after image source will reveal its source/location.
Kind Regards
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